Security servicesPhysical object protectionParamedical support of events


Paramedical support of events Ever wondered why an ambulance is always on duty during major events.

Events without incident

Ever wondered why an ambulance is always on duty during major events. Because the more people participate in the event, the higher the likelihood of any kind of emergency situation associated with a risk to health and life.

But these are official events. And if we are talking about a friendly party, corporate party, children's birthday or amateur sports competitions? An accident can happen on them in the same way, but this time the ambulance will not be at hand. And while it gets there, it might be too late.

What usually happens at such events?

Injury. A person can slip and fall, breaking a limb, injured by glass, hitting his head, and the like. This is especially true for children who cannot sit still for a minute.

Allergic shock. During big parties, various dishes are served, and sometimes even the chefs do not remember all the ingredients. For someone with a food allergy, the presence of an allergen in a dish can be fatal.

Insect or reptile bite. For many people, a bee or wasp sting can be fatal if a special injection is not given in time. Indeed, after an insect bite, edema occurs, which blocks the airways. And it can end very badly.

Stroke or other seizures. Despite the fact that in every medical institution instructions are printed on what signs a stroke can be determined, few people know how it happens in real life. And even more so - than to help the victim.

Medical support

An insignificant part of accidents that can occur during the event and spoil the mood of not only the victim, but everyone else. Therefore, it is worth entrusting the medical support of the events to those who understand this. The TopGard company has the relevant experience and specialists who know how to provide first pre-medical aid. Regardless of whether it is an open event or outdoors, day or night, the company's experienced instructors will be able to provide the necessary assistance before the arrival of the ambulance team. They have all the necessary arsenal - tourniquets for stopping bleeding, high-quality bandages, splints and braces for fixing fractures, a complete first-aid kit with drugs for all occasions.

There are no difficult or unforeseen situations for TopGuard specialists.

During the event, they will be invisible. But if suddenly something happens, they will be able to promptly and effectively provide assistance, wait for the doctors and professionally explain what happened and what manipulations were carried out. These actions will make it possible not only to facilitate further treatment or the process of recovery of the victim, but also, in some cases, save his life.

Letters of recommendation

  • Сертификат на соответствие качеству услуг ISO 9001:2015
  • Компания года 2018
  • Рекомендательное письмо Avon
  • Рекомендательное письмо 1+1
  • Рекомендательное письмо UEFA EURO 2012
  • Рекомендательное письмо ARGO
  • Рекомендательное письмо Louis Vuitton
  • Рекомендательное письмо Publicis Group

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