HintsPeculiarities of guarding on a rotational basis

For the smooth operation of any enterprise, as well as minimizing losses, many factors must be observed, one of which is to provide the facility with proper protection. This will reduce to zero the possibility of theft by both outsiders and employees of the enterprise. One of the most effective methods of protection is considered to be rotational. It has a number of advantages over shift guards, but it also requires the provision of appropriate conditions for employees of security structures.

Peculiarities of guarding by the watch method


The main feature of this method of organizing security is the constant presence of employees of the security company at the facility.As a rule, employees are selected from among visitors and are divided into two groups, which alternately are on duty on the spot. The second group rests at this time in order to take over the post after the end of the work of the first. In case of emergencies, the resting group takes over the watch, coming to the aid of the "active" guards.

Among the staff, a senior security guard is elected to manage the entire process. It is he who is responsible to the customer and management for the performance of duties. The senior security guard is also responsible for ensuring proper living conditions and communication with the customer.

For the proper performance of the watch guard service, the following conditions should be ensured:

  • place of residence for the resting shift, which will be next to the protected object;
  • conditions for cooking and recreation;
  • organization of transport that will run between the object and the place of residence, delivering changing groups of guards;
  • organization of a site for collecting watches;
  • Competent selection of personnel, taking into account personal qualities, physical and psychological preparation.

Also, an important point is the selection of personnel whose permanent place of residence is in another city. This will avoid collusion with local residents or employees of the enterprise. In addition, regular rotation of shift guard groups is necessary.

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