Security services/Physical Security GuardingOrganization of security for warehouses and storage facilities

Organization of security for warehouses and storage facilitiesIn order to properly organize the protection of warehouses and storage facilities, the security structure needs to know not only the size and location of the protected object, but also to study the logistics of its use and the specifics of the values to be protected.

The protection of warehouses and storage facilities begins with the definition of the type of protected object.

Object technical characteristics

Warehouses and storage facilities can be located in open areas and in closed rooms.

Basically, equipment, construction materials, transit bulky goods, etc. are stored in open areas. They have a fairly large area and, often, several protected perimeters. Indoor areas are warehouses and premises of various sizes and shapes.

In order for the security to be effective, among other things, it is necessary to clearly know the location of the object, how many people constantly work on it, what exactly is stored in the warehouse and its value; understand the logistics of its work, i.e. time and size of deliveries and shipments of material values, peak hours, etc. After that, the security company, having formed its vision of organizing the safety of the object, offers it to the customer and indicates the location and number of posts, places of entry and exit to the object and the number of employees involved.

Security post

Organization of security for warehouses and storage facilitiesTo begin with, the customer must clearly understand what is within the competence of the security post and what functions it performs. Usually, such functions are prescribed in the instructions for each specific object of protection.

Posts are divided into 2 types: mobile and stationary. Thus, stationary posts are located at points of entry / exit, and their number coincides with the number of such points. Basically, these are not only checkpoints, but also video surveillance rooms. At the request of the customer, posts are created in areas of increased attention.

The duties of security posts, in addition to the usual conduct of the access control, registration of visitors, supplies and shipments of goods and control of seals and accompanying documents, also include control over compliance with fire safety rules, control of personnel and, at the request of the customer, control over compliance with internal regulations at the facility, such as opening and closing times, smoke breaks, the number of employees at the facility, etc.

Optimization of customer costs

When a security agency offers a customer to optimize costs, the first thing it does is audit the facility to determine areas where the likelihood of problems is high enough, as well as to identify "blind" areas and areas that need to be paid close attention.

This is done in order to minimize the involvement of people in the protection of the facility and the creation of physical security posts. In some cases, problems are solved by retrofitting the facility with the necessary equipment. This could be additional security cameras, increased lighting, or more motion sensors. All these additional measures are aimed at optimizing the number of guards with maximum control of the protected object, in our case, a warehouse or warehouse.

The entire process of organizing the security of an object is developed in cooperation with the Customer, taking into accounts his wishes and requirements. But it is based on our experience of working on similar objects.

Appreciation letters

  • Сертификат на соответствие качеству услуг ISO 9001:2015
  • Компания года 2018
  • Рекомендательное письмо Avon
  • Рекомендательное письмо 1+1
  • Рекомендательное письмо UEFA EURO 2012
  • Рекомендательное письмо ARGO
  • Рекомендательное письмо Louis Vuitton
  • Рекомендательное письмо Publicis Group

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